Shelly Seltzer
  • Shelly Seltzer


  • Utilizing the latest technology for buying and selling homes!

  • Contact Info - Tel: (214) 507-0581 / Fax: 972-530-3914 / / email me

Today's Top Real Estate News
Provided by Inman News Features
Monday, December 18, 2006 9:00:39 AM

Should buyers stretch finances to buy in today's market?
Deciding on long-term housing needs

'Drive by' appraisal shortchanges homeowner by $157,000
Major lender employs questionable valuation practice

Housing still far from hitting bottom
Mortgage market commentary

Children's fantasies become home design reality
'Secret spaces' top list of sought-after options

Great reading for holiday home improvement
Wish list of handy books

Five tips to negotiate a home purchase in today's market
Savvy buyers can still bag right home at the right price

Landlord entry a hot-button issue
Rules surrounding uninvited visits revisited

Eviction feared after landlord announces plans to sell
If property changes hands, must residents move out?

Weather takes a toll on concrete porches
Secret revealed about construction material

Temporary move abroad affects home-sale tax break
Job transfer qualifies owner for only partial exemption

Digital revolution butts heads with property rights
City installs fiber-optic cables over easement, homeowners sue

Get inspection before buying repossessed house
Agent's advice can't always be trusted

Smart ways to boost home's curb appeal
Expensive remodel not best way to invest money